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How to Share and Feature Events

The Office of Communications and IT Services identifies and selects events to be featured and shared on the University homepage; UChicago Intranet as well as other webpages, such as the College events page. Calendar Group Administrators can also suggest their events to other relevant calendar groups, such as UChicago Arts, but those must be approved by the suggested group’s Calendar Group Administrator. Oftentimes events selected to be shared on university-wide websites are due to the event’s following of guidelines alone and therefore it's important to edit your events carefully before sharing.

Calendars & Guidelines

Please read the following guidelines carefully before submitting your event to these calendar groups.

Submit an event for consideration on the University of Chicago homepage:

For inclusion on the University of Chicago homepage, your event should follow these guidelines:

  • Be free
  • Be open to the public. This includes community members, faculty, students, staff, and alumni
  • Be on the University of Chicago campus or affiliated centers (such as the Center in Beijing)
  • Be titled according to our guidelines for event titles
  • Include a summary and detailed event description

Events that ARE NOT appropriate for the homepage include:

  • Internal events, such as events for staff or students only
  • Events with an admission fee
  • Events with inappropriate titles

If your event meets this criteria, please scroll down to the “Sharing and Privacy” section of the event editing page and suggest the event to the “University of Chicago homepage” group by checking the box next to “University of Chicago homepage”.

Checkbox for sharing event to UChicago Homepage and textbox for choosing other calendars for sharing.

We strongly suggest that you submit your event at least two weeks prior to the date of the event. Once another event has gone live on the calendar, we don’t usually pull events down. Therefore, last-minute requests are not always honored.

Once your event is submitted, we will either select or decline the event within five business days. If your event is selected, it will appear on the homepage prior to the event’s start date until the event is over.

Submit an event for consideration on the UChicago Intranet:

For inclusion on the UChicago Intranet, your event should follow these guidelines:

  • Be open to either staff, academics, or both
  • Be affiliated with the University of Chicago
  • Be titled according to our guidelines for event titles
  • Include a summary and detailed event description

Events that ARE NOT appropriate for the UChicago Intranet include:

  • Events exclusive to students or individual departments
  • Events with inappropriate titles

If your event meets our criteria, please scroll down to the “Sharing and Privacy” section of the event editing page and suggest the event to the “Intranet” group.

Share event to the UChicago Intranet

We strongly suggest that you submit your event at least two weeks prior to the date of the event. Once another event has gone live on the calendar, we don’t usually pull events down. Therefore, last-minute requests are not always honored.

Once your event is submitted, we will either select or decline the event within three business days. If your event is selected, it will appear on the UChicago Intranet prior to the event’s start date until the event is over. There is no guarantee your event will be selected for the intranet. This is because we try to have a selection of varied and diverse events on the widget at one time.

Submit an event for consideration at UChicago Arts:

To have your event considered for the UChicago Arts, your event should follow these guidelines:

  • Be arts related
  • Be University-affiliated

If your event meets the criteria, these guidelines, please scroll down to the “Sharing and Privacy” section of the event editing page and suggest the event to the “Arts” calendar group.

Share event to Arts